
Hot Fry Georgie Player of the Game
For anyone that is still wondering what the Hot Fry Georgie Player of the Game is, It's one of the most prestigious awards in all of football. Nay! This is the most prestigious and coveted awards in all of sports!

Only awarded at 9:15 in "Gordo's Corner" every Monday morning the Hot Fry Georgie Player of the game goes to the most outstanding player in a Cowboys game. Just like Oscar does not to get to pick who wins an Oscar at the Academy Awards, George Dunham unfortunately does not have any say in his own namesake award. 

By P1s For the P1s
This website and design of all the merchandise is all done by a P1 for the P1s who share the same love and enthusiasm for the Musers. This is in no way affiliated with the Ticket or considered official Ticket merchandise. HFGPOG is a Musers original bit and I can't take any credit for it. That's why half of all proceeds will go towards Hope Supply Co. to help those who really need it.